Stray Animals

 Stray animals can be a tricky topic when it comes to animal rescue. In my four years here at UNCP I have rescued about five or six stray dogs and cats. As I mentioned previously, I haven't kept any of them, but I either took them to a rescue or found them homes myself. Stray animals can often carry disease because of their lack of care and shots. This makes people who aren't as interested in animal rescue very hesitant to help stray animals. People are sometimes worried about stray dogs tempers, but most of the time they are more scared of you. It can also be hard if you have pets at home too because you could potentially harm your own pet. However, as an animal rescuer you know that you have to do something. Even if you can't save it or find it a home, you have to help stray animals in some way. That's why I always keep cat and dog food in the back of my car. My parents told me I wasn't allowed to take anymore strays in to my apartment, so that's why I keep the food in my car. Here is a picture of a stray dog I fed at my apartment complex.


  1. I've noticed several stray cats around campus but was never really sure what to do, now I may start carrying cat food or something to help how I can

  2. awe that dog is to cute, I hope one day it can find a good owner, if not then live a good stray life


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